Graduation Date: May 2021
Hometown: Sunnyside, NY
Major: Computer Engineering
Why I decided to enroll at the University of Maryland: The University of Maryland's prestige, and the opportunities it offers to match, were the driving factors for my decision to enroll. The university is a premier research institution, and offers its students plenty of opportunities to pursue their interests through its various clubs and research programs.
Why I chose engineering: Mathematics and science were always my primary interests throughout my years in primary school. However, material advancements of the human condition have been brought about by the application of these tools to practical things, such as agriculture or production. Engineering was the logical choice for me, since it allows me to combine principles from the subjects I love with practical considerations to make ideas viable.
Activities I do outside of class: My main activities outside of class are machine learning research for my Gemstone research team, and University of Maryland's Cybersecurity Club (CSEC). The research involves finding novel applications or methods to improve the interpretability of complex models used for drug screening. CSEC involves learning about vulnerabilities in applications.
Honors and awards I have received at Maryland: I am part of the Gemstone Honors Program, a four-year program which connects students with faculty to pursue research projects. I have also been honored on the Dean's List for multiple academic years.
After graduation, I plan to: After graduation, I plan to work in industry, preferably in a role designing and implementing automated systems, or in automated systems research. I do not have a preference particularly where, only that the role and compensation be sufficient. I also plan to eventually return and pursue more advanced education later in my career.
Dear Ms. Duong, Dr. Nguyen and Mr. Nguyen ,
I am writing to express my thanks and delight in receiving the Long Nguyen and Kimmy Duong Scholarship for the 2019-2020 school year. The support this scholarship provides me lets me pursue my studies with more confidence and ease of mind.
I have just started my junior year of college, already past the halfway mark towards a bachelor's in computer engineering. It seems like it was only yesterday that I was a starry-eyed freshman. Now, as the end draws closer , possibilities are brought to sharper focus. I look forward to making the most of my remaining time here. My Gemstone team's project is still related to toxicity , although it has taken a broader approach by trying to develop ways to improve model interpretability . This should help drug researchers understand the reason for model predictions , which can be used to refine drug design.
Thanks again for your exuberant generosity. This scholarship has given me freedom and the peace of mind to make the most of my time at the University of Maryland. I look forward to meeting with you again later this year.
Adil Shoja