Title (required) Ms.Mr.

    Vietnamese-American (US Citizen, US Permanent Resident)Non-Vietnamese-AmericanVietnamese from Vietnam (International Student)


    University of Maryland, College Park (UMD-CP)University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB)University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)George Mason University (GMU)Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA)Montgomery College (MC)Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VT)University of Virginia (UVA)Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)University of the District of Columbia (UDC)


    High SchoolUniversityCommunity CollegeNot currently enrolled

    U.S. CitizenPermanent ResidentVietnamese CitizenOthers

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    Email from Kimmy Duong FoundationSocial Media (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)TV, newspapersHigh school news/websiteUniversity news/websiteFriend and familyOther sources